Mr Wu and I share a passion for drawings… we meet occasionally at an exhibition where we beg to differ about the the technical skill of the painters on show.
Personally I like Auerbach and Kentridge which shows my age… however Mr Wu or Edweerd as he is universally known like the more colorful pieces like Zao Wou-Ki and even Buffet which is really not my thing….. but as we were both at the exhibition and already with a glass of wine in hand its fortuitous not to get to complicated by arguing about art as we are both mediocre painters…… trying hard to get better.
However (and we both agree) that art nowadays has little to do with skill and that money or investment as it pretends to be, is the catalyst.
“People will buy any shit”. as Mr Wu is fond of saying.
I tried once to remind him of Manzotti who sold his shit in a can but we had by this stage already too much to drink for it to make sense.
From what I remember we then started
arguing about Jeff Koons and the vacuum cleaner conundrum.
They were winding down and the exhibition was closing, Mr Wu had his third glass of wine, not yet belligerent but getting there.
One of the stragglers had an auction magazine under his arm, which had on the cover a small Picasso drawing…… Mr Wu perused this over his glasses….. “great artists, of course but you know the he couldn’t swim.”
Thats weird Eddy for you.